
The goal of this website is to promote amateur radio in Germany, the transfer of knowledge and to exchange experience and to introduce the interested to the topic amateur radio.

If you want to contribute to this project, you can do that in different ways. Here are some ideas and suggestions how an involvement could look like, in concrete terms.

Place a link

If you like an article, then just place a link from your website to our website. This helps your readers to find our website and this helps us to expand our audience.

Submit a tip

You have a tip for us or you think that we should write about anything specific? Then send us a message and let us know.

Leave a comment

There is the possibility to have a (constructive) discussion on the subject under each post. This function can be compared to letters to the editor in magazines. However, the barrier to write a comment is much lower, compared to writing a letter to the editor of a magazine. Just give it a try.

Write an article as a guest

Another way to participate is a post as a guest. As an example, you could write an article about your transceiver. Or an instruction how your antenna can be build? There are may ways. If you have an idea, then suggest it.

Share posts in social networks

You like an article and you think it’s worth reading? Then share it via twitter or facebook. For this purpose, you will find special symbols that will make it easy to share the article at the end of each article. If you have your own website or blog, you can of course report of this project or link to us.